
Are you already part of our penguin flock?

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Why become a member?

Linking Tourism & Conservation (LT&C) is an international membership organization formed in 2014 by experienced professionals in conservation, finance, tourism and operational logistics. LT&C provides its members with a collaborative platform to promote and encourage the protection of natural areas.

Join us and become part of the first membership organization specifically designed to link Tourism to Conservation in order to preserve the biodiversity of global marine and terrestrial protected areas.

Membership types

The Royal Penguin 50€/ 60$

breeds only on Macquarie Island in the southwest Pacific Ocean, approximately half-way between New Zealand and Antarctica. The species and the island serve as a conservation success story. In previous centuries most of the larger mammals and birds on the island were depleted by sealers and hunters, and pest species like rats were introduced. The island today is well protected and since 1997 is a World Heritage Site and since 2014 it has been declared as pest-species-free area. Today, the Royal Penguin numbers have climbed back to 850,000 pairs.

Membership Benefits

Special membership prices for LT&C Study-Tours, seminars, courses, etc.; Access to member CVs and database; Access to vacant positions within member companies, organisations and institutions; Access to Member Forum
Become a Royal Penguin!

The King Penguin 200€/ 240$

is 70-100cm in size and is the second largest of the four species. It breeds on several subantarctic islands, with a total and increasing population of an estimated 2.23 million pairs. On South Georgia, one of the important breeding sites of King Penguins, our Board member Denise Landau with her engagement in the South Georgia Heritage Trust is contributing to a LT&C-Example. Through the support of sustainable tourism, the conservation status is significantly improving and populations of formerly depleted mammal and bird populations are recovering.

Membership Benefits

Special membership prices for LT&C Study-Tours, seminars, courses, etc.; Access to member CVs and database; Access to vacant positions in member companies, organisations and institutions; Access to Member Forum; Access to LT&C board members for guidance and assistance for defined and agreed tasks once annually
Become a King Penguin!

The Emperor Penguin 2000€/ 2400$*

is 120 cm in size and is the largest species. The total population of approximately 600,000 pairs that are breeding on the inland ice of Antarctica is symbolic for the pristine wilderness of this entire continent. The Antarctic Treaty regulations are understood as the largest protected area on earth. Tourism is contributing further to the conservation status of Antarctica and will be strengthened and forever sustained. The Emperor Penguin got most famous through the film “The March of the Penguins”. They stay for the highest membership category in LT&C, including our founding members.

Membership Benefits

Special membership prices for LT&C Study-Tours, seminars, courses, etc.; Access to member CVs and database; Access to vacant positions in member companies, organisations and institutions; Access to Member Forum; Unlimited access to LT&C board members for guidance and assistance for defined and agreed tasks; Voting rights at LT&C annual meetings; * Individuals or companies have the option to become a lifetime Emperor Penguin member for a one-time contribution of 2000 EUR or 2400 USD.
Become an Emperor Penguin!

The Rockhopper Penguin (Free)

symbolizes LT&C’s student members, who are actively engaged in their studies or thesis in a topic related to LT&C’s mission. – Rockhopper penguins are one of the smallest species of penguin in the world. They range from 2.3-2.7 kg where males are larger than females. They breed on some islands in the Atlantic Ocean and the Indian Ocean. Further around the Cape Horn of South America, the Falklands Island in the southern Atlantic Ocean and on Campbell Island in New Zealand. Due to the harsh rocky environment, they cannot slide on their bellies like most penguins, so they hop to get from one place to another.

Membership Benefits

Access to member CVs and database; Access to Member Forum
Become a Rockhopper Penguin!

Who can become a member

At LT&C everyone who is interested in our mission can become a member. We distinguish between the following categories:


    • Travellers interested in Nature
    • Tourism professionals
    • Conservation professionals
    • Tour Guides, Expedition Leaders, Naturalists
    • Students studying tourism and or conservation
    • Other individuals with an interest in tourism and/or conservation


    • Natural History tour operators
    • Wildlife/Natural History/Adventure travel/Educational operators
    • Hospitality industry/Hotels and accommodation entities
    • Transportation companies, airlines, buses, ships, rail etc.
    • Financial institutions and Insurance companies
    • Suppliers and Manufacturers that support Linking Tourism to Conservation

Authorities/local governments

    • National, State or Provincial, City, County or Local park authorities
    • Governmental offices relevant to LT&C
    • Directorates and ministries, Tourism/Conservation
    • Local, State, Provincial, Federal, Governmental organization


    • Universities and research institutions

Other organisations

    • Non Governmental Organisations dedicated to conservation (NGOsc)
    • Non Governmental Organisations dedicated to tourism (NGOst)
    • Relevant Trade Associations
    • International sustainability-focused tour operator

We will help our members to realize their conservation and business goals by:

  1. Assisting businesses in building a conservation and or biodiversity protection plan into their business models
  2. Providing access to trained and experienced professionals with proven track record and success
  3. Serving as a forum for linking businesses together for the mutual benefit of conservation
  4. Sharing up to date and relevant information to its members, including access to member database with CVs and more
  5. Establishing effective ways to link tour leaders with conservation projects
  6. Providing tour operators with operational planning or staffing needs
  7. Providing business tools to encourage good business practices and environmental protection
  8. Serving as an advertising platform for services being offered


For students, engaging within their university studies in topics and activities related to the mission of LT&C, we have introduced the membership category of Rockhopper Penguin. Until they have finished their study, have a paid job and may transit to another penguin they are freed from a membership fee.

Please express your interest and send your CV to:, or contact us directly.

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Why does LT&C use the image of Penguins for membership?

The film entitled “The March of the Penguins” demonstrates how penguins embark on a nearly impossible journey but are successful every year. Our journey of Linking Tourism & Conservation has its own challenges, we can only tackle if we are marching together with many like-minded, experienced, skilful, goal-oriented, impact-driven, patient, social and tough members. If you can relate to at least some of these qualities and want to join this journey and mission! You may relate to one of the four similar coloured (all have yellow in addition to their black and white), but different sized penguin species, which we utilize for our different membership categories as follows.

For all penguins the fearless behaviour they demonstrate to humans, along with our relationship with them, symbolize that harmony and interdependence between people and nature are not only possible but also critical for all of our survival! Many examples exist where tourism has supported the better protection of penguins and their habitats. The penguins and their stories should inspire you to become one of the penguin LT&C members. Your membership involvement and increasing the dissemination of LT&C-Examples have positive impacts on both humans and nature.

Make a donation

We are grateful that you support the work and mission of Vision 52. 

Donate through international bank transfer

Bank details:
Sparebanken Sør
Postboks 200
N-4662 Kristiansand

Name: Vision 52 AS
Account no.: 2801 37 85386
IBAN: NO82 2801 37 85386

Please mark payments with your name and/or email address