Green Destinations

Green Destinations is a non-profit foundation for sustainable tourism, leading a global Partnership of expert organisations, companies, and academic institutions. We work for the benefit of the Green Destinations Community: destination representatives and stakeholders. Together with them, we try to make their places better and more sustainable.

Green Destinations developed a complete, affordable and easy-to-use Assessment & Certification programme that fits the needs of both small and larger destinations. It is operated through an online Assessment & Reporting platform based upon the GSTC-Recognised Green Destinations Standard and the GD Database with data from 2000 destinations. The platform helps destinations to improve sustainability management and performance, best price guaranteed. For more information, read more about our Awards & Certification. Destinations that subscribe to the GD Assessment & Reporting platform become member of the Green Destinations Community.

Destinations, regions and countries are connected to the world’s largest sustainable destinations community through their Green Destinations Ambassadors. Green Destinations Ambassadors share knowledge and experiences with colleagues from around the world. Together with Experts and solution providers, GD Ambassadors help their destination to improve by promoting Sustainability solutions.

The Green Destinations Community was launched at ITB Berlin 2015, and had successful meetings and presentations at ITB 2016, at the Global Green Destinations Days of 2016 in Ljubljana (Slovenia), 2017 in Cascais (Portugal) and 2018 in Nijmegen (Netherlands). The Global Green Destinations Days are the world’s largest conferences for sustainable destinations. Since 2018 they are combined with the annual conferences of the Global Leaders Network.

The members of the Community and especially the GD Ambassadors are encouraged to nominate their destination for the Sustainable Destinations Top 100 competition, which was first presented at ITB Berlin in 2015, and repeated annually. The aim of the competition is to highlight success stories in destination management, and to exchange good practices between destinations, for example at Green Destinations Days.

Previous Top 100 Winners (among them LT&C-Example providers) can be seen in:

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