LT&C is announcing a (virtual) conference, workshops and field visits in Banska Bystrica, Slovakia, from September 17th to 18th 2020 together with our partners Aevis in the framework of the project for the support of ecotourism to support National Park in Slovakia.
Originally scheduled for May 2020, the event has been postponed to September and will ensure all health and safety aspects to keep participants safe. Please check out the details and preliminary programme here. We still have a number of speaker slots available for LT&C members to share insights, lessons learnt and case studies around ecotourism product development, tour guiding approaches and stakeholder cooperation. We also welcome other suggestions. Please email us until August 21st, 2020, to
The event will also be accessible virtually. If you are interested to attend virtually, please also email us so that we can provide you with details.
Study Tour along the East Atlantic Flyway from the Netherlands via Jan Mayen to Svalbard, May 29-June 9, 2025
Most coastal birds migrating along the East Atlantic Flyway depart