The Icelandic Natur Conservation Association Conference (INCA) and the Icelandic environmental organisation Landvernd performed a conference on the future protection perspectives of Iceland’s Highlands. The conference took place in Iceland’s national sports hall, Laugardshöll. The idea to enlarge the Vatnajökull national park to the entire highlands was for discussion and received major support from the participants. Peter Prokosch was speaking on behalf of LT&C on Linking Tourism & Conservation (LT&C) for the Icelandic Highlands: LT&C Iceland 15.5.2015 M. See also clip of the News of RÚF, the main TV channel of Iceland.
First part – Why protect, what´s at stake?
Professor Thora Ellen Thorhallsdottir, School of Engineering and Natural Sciences: Natural value of the highlands.
Sigurdur Johannesson-PhD senior researcher, Institute of Economic Studies: The economic value of the highlands.

Helga Arnadottir-Manager of The Icelandic travel industry association: Preservations of the central highlands-The interests of the travel industry?
Thorarinn Eyfjord- Chairman of Utivist (outdoor activities organisation): The value of the central highlands for outdoor activities.
Pall Lindal-PhD Environmental psychology:The health value of untouched nature.
Second part – How do we secure the preservation of the central highlands?

Asdis Theodorsdottir-Director of The National Planning Agency: Planning issues regarding the central highlands (planning authority of municipalities vs. One central planning authority for the highlands).
Dr. Peter Prokosch-Chairman of LT&C (Linking Tourism & Conservation): Linking Tourism & Conservation (LT&C) for the Icelandic Highlands: LT&C Iceland 15.5.2015 M
Anna Dora Saethorsdottir-Associate Professor, tourism studies: Tourism management in the central highlands.