For the third time, LT&C was invited to design and run a special workshop at the Northern Sustainable Development Forum (NSDF). The next NSDF event will take place September 27-30 in Yakutsk, Sakha Republic (Yakutia), Russia.

The workshop on the topic “Role and potential of Arctic regions to support and implement the 30X30 Goal with support of tourism” will be held on September 28 at 15:00 CEST. Related to the Sustainable Development Goals on Biodiversity (SDGs 14 & 15), at COP15 of the UN Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), a critical decision for the future of the world will have to be taken: The “30×30” Goal, extending by 2030 the worlds marine and terrestrial protected areas (PAs) to at least 30%, is up for decision. More than 70 countries, among them most of the Arctic countries and the entire EU, are committed to this goal.
Tourism has demonstrated, among other by 52 LT&C-Examples in the world, its exceptionally high potential and can play an essential role to achieve the implementation of the global protected area network and thereby securing its own business base. For the Arctic countries and regions, with their specific natural conditions and joint work on sustainable development in the Arctic Council and The Northern Forum, “going for 30×30” and involving tourism to achieve this goal should be a natural mission. – How this could look like we aim to discuss in more detail during the workshop.
Greenland seals. Photo: Peter Prokosch View on Yamal. Photo: Peter Prokosch Sniffing bear; Bute Inlet. Photo: Brodie Guy Tourists involved in cleaning the shores of Svalbard Poligon tundra, Lena delta. Photo: Peter Prokosch Watching polar bear. Photo: Peter Prokosch
The following speakers will provide us with an eight-minute presentation each. Short discussions will follow after each presentation. A longer panel discussion we will have at the end.

The workshop will be introduced and moderated by
Vladimir Vasiliev (Russia), CEO of the Northern Forum
Peter Prokosch (Norway), Founder and Chairman of the Board of Linking Tourism & Conservation (LT&C)
Speakers are:
Oliver Hillel (Canada). Tourism expert in the Secretariat of the UN Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) in Montreal
The 30×30 Goal, COP15 CBD, and the role of tourism
Georg Schwede (Germany). Dr Georg Schwede is the Representative Europe of the Campaign for Nature. Before joining the Campaign for Nature in January 2019, Georg Schwede held various Senior Management positions in international conservation and humanitarian NGOs. Georg Schwede is a wildlife biologist by training, conducting and leading field research and conservation projects in United States, Russia, Venezuela, Saudi Arabia and Germany. He earned a PhD and an MSc in wildlife biology from the University of Bielefeld, Germany and the Smithsonian’s Conservation and Research Center, Virginia, USA.
The benefits of 30×30 and the role of tourism
Tom Barry (Iceland), Executive Secretary of the Arctic Council Working Group Conservation of Arctic Flora and Fauna (CAFF)
The status of Protected Areas in the Arctic
Sergey Rybakov (Russia). CEO Slava Fetisov Foundation
How to make the Arctic a forerunner to achieve the 30×30 goal and how tourism can contribute
Andrey Maksimov (Russia). Graduate of Moscow State University, Department of Geography, specialization in bio-geography, Member of the Russian Geographical Society, co-founder of the NGO ROSIP (Russian Society for the Conservation and Study of Birds named after M. A. Menzbir, Participant in a project to save the spoonbill sandpiper (Chukotka). Photographer, participant, and winner of international and regional photo contests. Cameraman and producer of documentary films.Co-founder of the VKUZtrip Club ( for Russian-speaking audience and Nature Heritage Travel (Russia).
Conservation and research projects in the south of Chukotka, their significance for education and educational tourism. Xenia Nossowa (Germany). Graduate of St.Petersburg State University, Department of Philosophy, specialization in social philosophy. Curator of educational, cultural, academic exchange projects (incl. protected areas) in the countries of the former USSR. Responsible for Press Tours & Experts trips to Russia, Georgia, Armenia, Latvia. Expert for new tourism concepts (Eco-Tourism, Wine Tourism, Pilgrimage, etc). Founder of Xenostours private tour agency (Germany) and co-founder of Nature Heritage Travel (Russia).New concepts of tourism in protected areas as a business input in the local infrastructure & educational programs.
Elise Allély-Fermé (Mexico). Co-Founder and Coordinator of the youth-led network called Youth Engaged in Wetlands. Part of the East Atlantic Flyway Youth Forum organizing team.
Taking off #ForNature from Africa to the Arctic – A Flyway Youth Forum to protect wetlands and migratory waterbirds
Natalia Malygina (Russia). Cand. Biol. Sci. Senior Researcher, Laboratory for Applied Systems Research, School of Management and Interdisciplinary Research, Institute of Economics and Management, Ural Federal University.Member of APECS and UKPN. Project Member “Bridging Polar Early Career Researchers and Indigenous Peoples in Nordic Countries” – 2013. Member of Linking Tourism & Conservation (LT&C). Database of experts of the National Arctic Research and Education Consortium (Ministry of Education and Science). Database of projects of the National Arctic Research and Education Consortium (Ministry of Education and Science). The roster of experts for the scientific expertise of projects and educational programs of the ANO NIC Polar Initiative and the National Arctic Research and Education Consortium. The expert group for the development of Arctic GOST ANO NIC “Polar Initiative” in the interests of the Technical Committee on Standardization № 187 “Research in the polar regions”. Head of the research network Wild reindeer of the Far North within the framework of the National Arctic Research and Educational Consortium. Database of experts of Project Office for Arctic Development.
Taimyr National Park Initiative: to see a new horizon
Magdalena A K Muir (Canada). Researcher, Arctic Institute of North America and Haskayne Business School, University of Calgary & Principles, Green Destinations Canada/IEELS Ltd.
SDGs, GSTC, Green Destinations, and Sustainable Tourism Destinations in the Arctic of Canada, USA, and Greenland
With contributions from Sami Areikat, Sustainable Development Officer, UN DESA & Kyle Lienweber and Laura Dijana Higgens, Associates, Green Destinations Canada, IEELS Ltd.
The workshop/webinar will be conducted in a hybrid format, and you can participate virtually by Zoom.
Have a look also at some of the results of the LT&C workshop at the NSDF in 2019.
If you are interested in participating by Zoom and getting the login information, please