LT&C and Partners at CBD COP15 in Montreal

The 15th Meeting of the Conference of Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD COP15 – Part 2) is taking place in Montréal, Canada from 7-19 December 2022. 

In addition, the 7th Summit of Cities and Subnational Governments, a Business Forum and Finance Day are planned along with exhibition spaces between 11-14 December. 

LT&C co-chair, Michael Meyer, will participate in this important meeting, as well as members of the IUCN World Commission on Protected Areas (WCPA), and Tourism and Protected Areas Specialist Group (TAPAS Group). And Oliver Hillel, an LT&C board member, will be present as part of the CBD Secretariat.

With more LT&C members and partners likely to attend COP15, we’d love to hear in advance about your participation. 

If you or a member of your organization are attending, please send a message to and

Why is it important?

COP CBD is the largest gathering of member state representatives and their delegations, the larger UN community, and observers such as nature conservation NGOs, Indigenous Peoples organizations, donor organizations, and industry representatives. 

As one of the 11 sectors considered critical for mainstreaming biodiversity into the economy and finance, travel and tourism will be represented by the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) and sector associations like the World Travel & Tourism Council (WTTC). 

The tourism sector will be called on to contribute through concrete commitments to the post-2020 Action Agenda for Nature and People.

If you want change at a global level that will have an impact at regional and local levels, the COP CBD is the platform to have your voice heard.

LT&C is committed to assuring that the biodiversity of both marine and land-based ecosystems is protected and visited in a sustainable way. 

Our efforts support the UN target (CBD Aichi 2020 target 11) of a complete, representative, and well-managed network of protected areas, and the global goal to protect 30% of the planet’s land and sea by 2030 (30×30 goal).

What is LT&C hoping to achieve at the COP?

  • We will lobby to support the adoption of an ambitious yet realistic post-2020 global biodiversity framework. 
  • We will give advice to Parties to the Convention and their partners to negotiate the most suitable and agreeable decision text for COP15. Specifically, we will provide advice on best practices linking the planning, establishment, and operation of public and private protected areas and other effective area-based conservation measures to the tourism sector in ways that achieve the SDGs, the post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework and its targets, and the complementary Long-Term Approach to Mainstreaming and Plan of Action.
  • During the Business Forum (12-13 December), we will engage with members of the tourism industry to discuss enhanced support for protected areas; and, as appropriate, subnational and local governments, finance players, scientists, IPLCs, youth, and other major groups may be engaged in their parallel events. 
  • We are hosting a side event, ‘Tourism business cases supporting nature conservation’ (working title), together with members of the IUCN TAPAS Group, to showcase examples of how best to support protected areas. At this event, we would like to present four LT&C Examples to the audience.

This work will conclude in an exchange with the global community, present at COP15, to explore opportunities to galvanize efforts to build a better future in harmony with nature and to continue efforts to achieve the Aichi Biodiversity Targets

How can you get involved?

  • Share information about the CBD COP15 meeting in your network and on social media to make your people aware of this important event.
  • Get in touch with us if you plan to participate at COP15 so we can communicate on-site and coordinate our efforts.
  • Tell us if you want to promote one of the LT&C Examples to be showcased at the side event (Please note: we would like a balance by gender and regions/continents).

Make a donation

We are grateful that you support the work and mission of Vision 52. 

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