WWF Wadden Sea Tourism Radar to make Tourism Development More Sustainable


by Anja Szczesinski

Do we need limits for tourism growth in the Wadden Sea World Heritage? And if so: where could they be and who should set them?

In the framework of the Interreg project PROWAD Link and in cooperation with the Tourism Research Institute NIT, the World Wide Funds For Nature (WWF) developed the “Wadden Sea Tourism Radar” – a guideline that supports tourism communities in the Wadden Sea World Heritage Area in making their tourism development more sustainable by identifying undesirable developments at an early stage. Based on defined criteria, the radar asks whether the current tourism activities at the study site negatively affect the quality of life for people, animals and plants and endanger those values for which the Wadden Sea has been recognised as a World Heritage Site. If this is the case, the degree of impairment is determined and appropriate measures are agreed to return to a healthy and sustainable level. The radar has already been tested on Borkum, Ameland and in St. Peter-Ording and is now available for use in other locations.

The Wadden Sea Tourism Radar webinar on 28 October provides insight into the background, the development and the application of the new tool. The webinar has an English and a German part: The German session will be held from 10 to 11.00 CEST, the English session from 12-13.00 CEST. For more information and free registration please see https://www.waddensea-worldheritage.org/events/webinar-wadden-sea-tourism-radar

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