East Atlantic Flyway Week Program and LT&C’s AGM

Places are still available if you wish to attend the East Atlantic Flyway Week, 20-27 April 2023, on the island of Hallig Langeness in the German Wadden Sea.

The full program can be viewed here.

The week’s highlights include a talk by Kristine Meise on the “Wadden Sea Flyway Initiative – present and future activities”, the opening ceremony of the “Brent Goose Days” (Ringelganstage), and a presentation by LT&C board member Harald Förster on “What can we learn from the LT&C Example Schutzstation Wattenmeer for other important protected area projects along the flyway and the supporting role of tourism.”

Organized by Schutzstation WattenmeerWWF Wadden Sea, the NABU Michael-Otto-Institut, and LT&C, the week’s objectives are to review the flyway concept and provide an update on activities and future initiatives for protected areas along the flyway and the role of tourism.

The week is aimed at conservation and tourism professionals, migratory coastal bird researchers, and members of the organizing NGOs.

LT&C’s Annual General Meeting

Our AGM is also being held during flyway week on Sunday, 23 April from 14:00-16:00.

The meeting will take place at Seminar House, Schutzstation Wattenmeer, Peterswarf, Hallig Langeness.

If you’re an LT&C member and would like to join the meeting in person, there are still a few places available. You can register via the contact form on the event page.

Because of the AGM’s location on Hallig Langeness island, overnight accommodation will need to be booked. Booking and accommodation information can be found here.

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