“What gives me hope is to see the continuous efforts of members from our network striving towards protecting the most valuable places on earth and harnessing the power of well-managed tourism in these natural areas.” LT&C Chair, Diana Körner
Our 2022 annual report is out now!
Read the messages from our chair Diana Körner, co-chair Michael Meyer, and co-founder and honorary president Peter Prokosch, and meet the board.
The report includes the year’s highlights, an update on our merger with Ecological Tourism in Europe (ETE) / Ökologischer Tourismus in Europa (ÖTE), and an illustrative map of our 53 LT&C Examples.
You can download it here.
Thank you to all our members, corporate and organization partners, and volunteers for your support during 2022. We look forward to working more closely with you and our new members and partners in 2023 and beyond!

And a reminder of our AGM taking place this Sunday, 23 April, during the East Atlantic Flyway Week.
Members have received an email with the draft meeting agenda and papers and a Zoom link to join online.
Date: Sunday, 23 April 2023
Time: 14:00-16:00 Oslo
Location: Seminar House, Schutzstation Wattenmeer, Peterswarf, Hallig Langeness, Germany
If you wish to attend the AGM in person or online, please register via the contact form on the event page.