Vision: By 2030, we aim to showcase 100 LT&C-Examples where tourism actively supports global protected areas.

Every year, over 1 billion tourists visit natural areas, with 50% relying on protected spaces like national parks (IUCN). Tourism and the industry must take responsibility for preserving these areas.
To promote replicable examples of tourism aiding conservation, I co-founded Linking Tourism & Conservation (LT&C) in 2014. Based in Norway, we built a global network and identified 53 LT&C-Examples in the first decade. Tourism must play a larger role in protecting 30% of the planet by 2030.

To increase impact, LT&C merged with Ecological Tourism in Europe (E.T.E.) into ETE-LT&C, now based in Germany, strengthening the link between sustainable tourism, nature, and communities. We welcome new and existing members to join and engage in conservation projects.

Visitor management to protect biodiversity at Slovak Paradise (Slovenský raj) National Park
Slovak Paradise National Park (Národný park Slovenský raj) was officially recognized as a national park by the Slovak Government in 1988. In 2015, its zones

Reviving Timor-Leste’s Reefs Through Tourism
Ataúro Island is a 25km stretch of volcanic rock home to the most biodiverse reefs in the world, situated just north of Dili, the capital

Vamos Expeditions: Eco- and Adventure Travel in Peru and Latin America
Vamos Expeditions is an adventure and ecotourism operator in Peru offering tours in several countries of Latin America with a focus on sustainability, education, communities
Meeresschutzgebiet Poor Knights Islands: “No-take”-Zonen begünstigen Ökotourismus
Neuseeland ist führend bei der erfolgreichen Umsetzung und dauerhaften Nachhaltigkeit von MPAs (Meeresschutzgebiete) und kann diese Ergebnisse durch gut durchdachte Konzepte erreichen, die es dem
Basecamp Explorer, Maasai Mara: Verantwortungsbewusste Safarierlebnisse unterstützen Gemeinschaftskonservatorien
Basecamp Explorer Kenya ist eine einzigartige Organisation, die Safaricamps in der Maasai Mara, Kenia, betreibt und ihren Gästen exklusive Safarierlebnisse auf authentische und verantwortungsvolle Weise
Svalbard: Aufbau eines Schutzgebietsnetzes durch die Zusammenarbeit von Interessengruppen
Im gleichen Jahr (1995) als Norwegens 75 Jahre Svalbard-Abkommen und die Souveränität des Landes über das 62.700 km2 große Nordarchipel feierte, bedrohte eine große Straßenplanung
Tasmanien: Tourismusindustrie wehrt sich gegen Ressourcenabbau in Schutzgebieten
“Die Tasmanian Wilderness World Heritage Area (Tasmanische Wildnis) schützt eine der letzten echten Wildnisregionen der Erde und umfasst eine größere Bandbreite an natürlichen und kulturellen

Projekt zur Wiederherstellung des Lebensraumes in Südgeorgien: Unterstützung durch Schulung der BesucherInnen
In den letzten zwei Jahrhunderten wurden die Seevogelkolonien auf den subantarktischen Inseln von Südgeorgien durch nicht einheimische Ratten und Mäuse nahezu dezimiert. Walfänger und Robbenfänger

Restoring and protecting Calakmul Biosphere Reserve
In addition to housing a large collection of ancient Mayan ruins, the Selva Maya is a large expanse of forest containing multiple protected areas in

Partners of the National Natural Landscapes in Germany
The programme (Partner oft the National Natural Landscapes) The programme “Partner der Nationalen Naturlandschaften” (Partners of the National Natural Landscapes) is managed by the umbrella

National Park and Biosphere Reserve Partner Programme –
Amongst the scene of National Park and Biosphere partner enterprises of the Lower Saxony Wadden Sea National Park, is considered an outstanding example. The

The Great Bear Rainforest
Greenpeace video – After almost two decades of conflict and then collaboration, a unique partnership of First Nations governments and the British Columbia government along

Homalco Wildlife & Cultural Tours
Homalco Wildlife & Cultural Tours is a world-class wildlife viewing and cultural experience tour provider owned and operated by the Xwémalhkwu, or Homalco First Nation,

Grand Béréby: Ivory Coast’s first Marine Protected Area
On December 21, 2020, the Government of Côte d’Ivoire (Ivory Coast) announced its first Marine Protected Area (MPA) in Grand-Béréby. The 2,600km2 MPA location includes

Kavango Zambezi Transfrontier Conservation Area (KAZA TFCA)
Background to Transfrontier Conservation Areas (TFCAs) in the Southern African Development Community (SADC) There are 18 Transfrontier Conservation Areas (TFCAs)

Puljane Research Centre: Monitoring Wildlife in rural Croatia
The Puljane Research Centre is a newly-restored house along the Krka River in the rural area of Puljane, just outside the world-renowned Krka National Park.

Save Guyana’s Wildlife
The Save Guyana’s Wildlife program has arisen out of a four-way partnership between Friends of Wallacea (FOW), the Guyana Tourism Authority (GTA), Operation Wallacea (Opwall),

Angofa Wildlife Tours protecting the Transylvanian ecosystem
Angofa Wildlife Tours is a new initiative designed to develop rural wildlife tourism in Transylvania to support long-term biodiversity monitoring and conservation efforts alongside local

Schutzstation Wattenmeer: THE LT&C-Example within the Wadden Sea
The Schutzstation Wattenmeer was founded in 1962. At that time it was the first NGO in the Wadden Sea region which combined the traditional idea

South-Norway’s Lista Landscape achieves protection through stakeholder dialogue
With its open agricultural landscape and wide horizons reaching out towards the sea, Lista has fascinated and attracted residents, tourists and artists for generations. The

Jackson Hole & Yellowstone Sustainable Destination Program
The Greater Yellowstone region is the largest intact ecosystem in the continental United States and at the southern end of a corridor of wild lands

Misool Private Marine Reserve, Raja Ampat Islands, Indonesia
The Misool Private Marine Reserve protects a spectacular amount of biodiversity. Home to many endemic marine species like the charismatic bamboo shark, and colourful Nursalim

Area Marina Protetta di Torre Guaceto, Italy
Area Marina Protetta di Torre Guaceto protects 22.3 km2 of marine and wetland space along the Adriatic Coast of South-East Italy. Founded in 1991 by

Borana Conservancy and Lodge: Ecotourism supports wildlife comeback
The Borana Conservancy covers 32,000 acres of unspoilt African wilds, and it is home to all members of the Big Five and safe haven for

Ranthambhore National Park: Game Reserve turned into Wildlife Sanctuary
Ranthambhore National Park is one of the Tiger Reserves in India, and a world renowed destination for its large Bengal Tiger population. Ranthambore was first

Guided nature activities promote Soomaa national park is a small local nature tourism business, that has been in business for 25 years in Soomaa national park. They promote the natural values and

Ecotourism on the Otago Peninsula, New Zealand
The Otago Peninsula is located on New Zealand’s South Island, near the city of Dunedin. It is a 20 km long, hilly finger of land

Amahoro Tours and Red Rocks Rwanda supporting Kahuzi-Biéga National Park, DRC
The Kahuzi-Biega National Park is a protected area near Bukavu town in the eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo and it is located close to the western bank of Lake Kivu and the Rwandan border. The

Eco- and Wild-Carnivore Tourism supports Abruzzo National Park, Italy
Abruzzo National Park is the oldest park in Italy and was established in 1922 in the Central Apennines. The park offers unspoiled, wild nature, though

Costa Rica: The decision to increase protected areas with the support of Ecotourism
The Republic of Costa Rica maintains a total area of 51,100 km2 and a coastline of 1,290 km2. While the small country makes up about

Spirit Bear Lodge: Community-based tourism in the Great Bear Rainforest
Spirit Bear Lodge (SBL) is a successful, profitable cultural ecotourism business owned and operated by the Kitasoo Xai’Xais First Nation in the remote community of

Tmatboey Community Ecotourism Project, Cambodia
WCS works with the Royal Government of Cambodia and community partners to conserve some of the rarest bird species at several sites across Cambodia. These

Seychelles Sustainable Tourism Foundation (SSTF)
Seychelles is an archipelago of 115 islands in the Indian Ocean which is renowned for its unique flora and fauna, half of the land area

Tree Top Walks: Environmental education through integrative architecture
Tree Top Walks are perfect tools to explore and discover landscapes and greenways. Our Tree Top Walks with its spectacular architecture fulfil the task of

Birding supports endangered species at Delaware Bay, New Jersey
The Delaware Bay, 39.1202° N, 75.2479° W, is an estuary and outlet from the Delaware River. This USA bay is bordered by Delaware and New

Virunga National Park: tourism supports endangered species recovery and the local community
Virunga was the first national park on the continent of Africa. Today the Virunga National Park of the DR Congo is part of a three

Friends of Karura Community Forest Association: A protected area managed by locals
The Karura Forest Reserve is one of the world’s largest forests fully within a major city limits, Kenya’s capital Nairobi. The 1,000 hectare upland sclerophyllus

The Kariba REDD+ project, Zimbabwe
The Kariba REDD+ forest conservation project is located at Lake Kariba in Northern Zimbabwe, connecting several National Parks and Game Reserves such as Chizarira, Matusadona

Completing a Ring of Marine Protected Areas around Antarctica
The Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources (CCAMLR), the international body tasked with the conservation of marine life in the Southern Ocean,

Campaign To Save The Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness in Minnesota
The Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness in northern Minnesota is America’s most popular wilderness with over 250,000 visitors each year. The 1.1 million acres with

Wild Jordan Adventures: Eco-businesses support locals and protected areas
The Royal Society for the Conservation of Nature is an independent non-governmental organization in Jordan given the mandate of conserving biodiversity in Jordan. RSCN does

COASTS & Jack London State Historic Park
Jack London State Historic Park is a 1400 acres (567ha) wildlife sanctuary. Like all California State Parks, it is a protected area, and it can

Amahoro Tours: A stakeholder cooperation benefitting mountain gorillas and the community
Amahoro Tours, based in Musanze and owned by a Rwandan local, Greg Bakunzi, is a leading tour company in Rwanda supporting the trilateral cooperation of

Thriving ecotourism activities support South African National Parks (SANParks)
National conservation parastatal in South Africa maintaining a network of 22 protected areas accounting for 37 000 km2 or 4% of the nations land area

Poor Knights Islands Marine Reserve: “No-take” zones benefit Ecotourism
New Zealand is a leader in the successful implementation and ongoing sustainability of MPAs and they are able to achieve these outcomes from well thought

Apo Island Marine Reserve: Successful community-based tourism management
The Coral Triangle includes the land and seas of six countries. Collectively known as CT6, they are Indonesia, Malaysia, Papua New Guinea, the Philippines, Solomon

Tourism to and on Galápagos: Managing tourism-related conservation challenges
The Galápagos Archipelago, located on the Equator. about 1000 km west of the Latin American continent, consists of about a dozen major and more than

Basecamp Explorer, Maasai Mara: Responsible safari experiences back community conservancies
Basecamp Explorer Kenya is a unique organization, managing safari accommodation camps in Maasai Mara, Kenya, providing guests with exclusive wildlife safari experiences in the most

Madidi National Park: Community-based Ecotourism at world-renowned Ecolodge
Madidi National Park in northeast Bolivia has been declared as one of the most biologically diverse places on Earth. This is because there are many

Chitwan and Bardia National Park: Stakeholder cooperations make for an effective conservation model
Responsible and well-managed wildlife tourism offering a first class experience that brings in revenue for conservation projects carried out by the national parks. Both Nepal’s

Jasmund National Park Center: A self-sustaining visitor- and education centre model
The National Park Center Königsstuhl supports the beech-forest National Park “Jasmund” at the German Baltic Sea coast of the island of Rügen. It is a world-leading

Napo Wildlife Center in Yasuni National Park: World-class indigenous tourism guards biosphere reserve
Napo Wildlife Center Ecolodge has been carefully built and designed by the Añangu indigenous community to offer tourists maximum privacy and comfort in Amazon Wildlife Tours.

Chumbe Island Coral Park: Exemplary ecotourism experiences in the world’s first Private Marine Park
Chumbe Island Coral Park champions integrated eco-system based marine and forest conservation management sustainably financed through eco-tourism. Chumbe Island Coral Park (CHICOP) in Zanzibar/Tanzania has

The International Wadden Sea (NL/D/DK)
The Wadden Sea is located in the South Eastern part of the North Sea. It stretches from Den Helder in the southwestern part along the

The Cape Whale Coast: A joint stakeholder approach to conservation
Fair Trade Tourism (FTT) and the Dyer Island Conservation Trust (DICT) have joined forces to ensure that the people who contribute their land, coastal and

Namibia: Community-based natural resource management protects natural areas
In former times, when farmers had few rights to use wildlife, wild animals were seen as little more than a threat to livestock, crops and

Svalbard: Establishing a protected area network through stakeholder collaboration
Coinciding with Norway’s celebrations of the 75th anniversary of the Svalbard Treaty and the country’s sovereignty over the 62,700 km2 far north archipelago in 1995,

Tasmania: Tourism industry to fight back resource extraction in protected areas
“The Tasmanian Wilderness World Heritage Area protects one of the last true wilderness regions on Earth and encompasses a greater range of natural and cultural

South Georgia Habitat Restoration Project: Support through visitor education
For the last two centuries seabird colonies on the Sub-Antarctic islands of South Georgia were nearly decimated by non-native rats and mice. Whalers and Sealers beginning