What if tourism could save the world’s protected areas?
Consider that the annual cost for effective management of the complete global network of protected areas is estimated to be only one half of one percent of annual world tourism turnover. And, according to the IUCN, more than fifty percent of all tourists visiting a foreign country make use of protected natural areas in some way.
LT&C is based on the compelling idea that tourism, the industry that benefits so much from protected natural areas, can play the most critical role in ensuring their sustained and effective management world-wide. By identifying and highlighting specific examples, LT&C facilitates the sharing of knowledge, experience and effective practices that mutually benefit tourism and nature conservation in protected areas.
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Linking Tourism and Conservation (LT&C) seeks to identify and share tools and incentives that encourage the replication of best practices in sustainable tourism: those that support the establishment or management of national parks and other types of protected areas. By identifying and highlighting examples, LT&C celebrates success stories and facilitates the sharing of effective techniques. This resource is intended to serve and engage individuals, businesses and governments in their respective e orts to ensure the long-term sustainability of protected areas.

LT&C supports the United Nations’ goal of a complete protected area network (CBD Aichi target 11). Marine and terrestrial protected areas are essential for healthy ecosystems and sustainable tourism. Likewise, tourism benefits from protected natural areas around the world, and can play a vital role in securing the future of these areas.
It is estimated that US$ 30 billion is required annually for effective management of a globally complete protected area network. LT&C is based on the compelling idea that allocating less than one percent of the annual global tourism turnover to this e ort would fully fund this goal.
There are many examples of tourism contributing to the establishment and development of protected areas – financially, politically and educationally. LT&C is dedicated to profiling these examples in order to make the successful methods available for replication, adaptation and implementation around the world. Sharing experiences and expertise inspires synergy and partnerships that will lead to additional examples of Linking Tourism & Conservation. By inspiring such cooperation, LT&C will bring previously untapped potential to the joint effort to ensure the future of the global network of protected natural areas.