Following the seminars we had on Hallig Langeneß in 2023 (producing a book on the East Atlantic Flyway) and in 2024 (“50 Years Schutzstation Wattenmeer on Hallig Langeneß”) I am organizing a new similar gathering back to back with the “Ringelganstage” (Brent Goose Days) also this year. The Schleswig-Holsten Wadden Sea National Park celebrates this year its 40th anniversary and there are only 5 years left to reach the 30×30 Goal the world has committed to. Focusing further on the East Atlantic Flyway, where the Wadden Sea has a central role, this year’s theme of a relatively informal meeting will be:
40 Years’s Schleswig-Holstein Wadden Sea National Park and other Protected Area-Experiences and -Initiatives along the East Atlantic Flyway
Seminar House on Peterswarf/Langeneß
April 10-15, 2025.
Langeness 10.-15 April 2025 -1.3.25