Looking for a personal Christmas or birthday gift ? Why not make your friends become a penguin?

Screen Shot 2015-12-06 at 11.33.53And if you are looking for a very personal Christmas or birthday gift, why not give your friends a gift of becoming a LT&C Penguin? You can download our gift cards and print them yourself. Or, let us know if you would like hard copies of the gift cards and flyer, and we will send them to you by mail:

Download King Penguin: KingPenguinCard_PRESS

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or Royal Penguin: RoyalPenguinCard_PRESSScreen Shot 2015-12-06 at 10.57.54

or Emperor PenguinEmperorPenguinCard_PRESSScreen Shot 2015-12-06 at 10.58.14


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and LT&C-flyer 2015.


If you want hard copies:

[gravityform id=”3″ name=”Contact us”]