The Taimyr peninsular in northernmost Siberia represents both the largest continuous tundra area in Eurasia and one of the best coverage of protected areas in Russia. The last major contribution to the protected area network on Taimyr happened in 1993 with the establishment of the Great Arctic Reserve (Zapovednik). With new industrial development interests growing in the Arctic and protected areas of the Zapovednik type on the other side, which don’t allow access for visitors, there is a need to establish a national park to the existing protected area system. This could raise the awareness of the socio-economic benefits of biodiversity and increase the local people’s interests to preserve their natural capital. The planning and rationale of a national park on Taimyr today can be based on investigations, which take both satellite and airborne data as well as traditional fieldwork into account. The national park initiative for Taimyr could also contribute to secure a complete North-South transect, where in times of climate change, natural habitats and ecosystems could adapt through “migration”. See also: Taimyr booklet_HR
The project can be related to the Wadden Sea Flyway Initiative and/or other projects and partners along the East Atlantic Flyway of coastal birds in its initial phase. Information exchange and sharing experiences among important sites along this flyway could make major sense. And the exchange of experiences among other Arctic national parks and protected areas would be valuable. As Taimyr is a remote Siberian area, where tourism is facing specific challenges, other areas in the Russian Arctic could learn from the experiences gained from the development of this project.
Taimyr offers several superlatives, which can be attractive particularly for eco-tourists and natural science visitors: Taimyr among other
Taimyr could serve also as an ideal site, where the climate adaptation concept of providing protected corridors, and where habitats and ecosystems can move could be applied.
If a national park, in addition to existing strict protected areas, can be established, it could be of benefit for local people, e.g. in Khatanga, where locals can be involved in the management and guiding of tourism. They would, therefore, develop increasing interests in their protected areas and thereby contribute to safeguarding the wild natures’ future. In addition, tourists would get interested to visit Taimyr if attractive and affordable national park visits and related transportation can be offered. Because of this potential win-win, which can be studied in other parts of the world, a Taimyr national park could become an LT&C Example.
The project can be related to the Wadden Sea Flyway Initiative and/or other projects and partners along the East Atlantic Flyway of coastal birds in its initial phase. Information exchange and sharing experiences among important sites along this flyway could make major sense. And the exchange of experiences among other Arctic national parks and protected areas would be valuable. As Taimyr is a remote Siberian area, where tourism is facing specific challenges, other areas in the Russian Arctic could learn from the experiences gained from the development of this project.
VISION 52 – The Nature Conservation Company of Peter Prokosch.
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