Example from Cambodia: tourists pay for species they see

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Graphic: Ross Sinclair, WCS

Our collaborator IUCN-Panorama hosted recently 2 webinars on protected area success stories. Among them were also LT&C-Examples. Others definitely should be profiled as LT&C-Examples as they were excellent stories, where tourism supports protected areas. All presentations and recordings from the 2 sessions can be downloaded from the Panorama website. One striking example was presented by Ross Sinclair from the Wildlife Conservation Society: Profiting from eco-tourism in CambodiaScreen Shot 2016-04-08 at 12.15.53 Screen Shot 2016-04-08 at 12.17.02



Ross Sinclair describes the Peam Krasop Wildlife Sanctuary as a model park for Cambodia. The “critical success factor” there is the introduced concept of “what you see is what you pay for”. The tourists, who to a great extent are bird watchers, pay only for the number of (bird) species they see during their visit. This has lead to an increased  engagement of the local community and tour operators in protecting the mangrove habitats as well as to a significant increase of the local population of the globally endangered Giant Ibis.

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Look also on the website of the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS)


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