New SEVENSEAS story of LT&C-Example: Cape Whale Coast, South Africa

Screen Shot 2016-06-01 at 18.08.41The June-edition of the SEVENSEAS magazine came out just in time when marine people from all over Africa met for the Blue Solutions Africa Forum in Zanzibar. After the May-edition featured the  Chumbe Island Coral Park (one of the “Blue Solutions” and “LT&C-Example” the Africa Forum discussed), now the other African Solution and  marine LT&C-Example,  the Cape Whale Coast, South Africa, was featured on page 30-37.

Gansbaai is famous for its White Shark and Southern Right Whale tourism, which is a key job provider for the community. The Dyer Island Conservation Trust is an example of “Linking Tourism & Conservation”, where tour operators support the management of the protected sea bird and seal islands and promote the establishment of a larger marine protected area. Photo: Peter Prokosch

SEVENSEAS in May just celebrated its first anniversary. Now the 13th issue of the marine conservation and travel magazine has been produced for readers in 167 countries. More than 5000 have subscribed and 10 000 visitors per month have clicked through the colourful pages. And the numbers are growing. The magazine is a project in partnership with and sponsored by The Ocean Foundation.

Within the partnership between LT&C and SEVENSEAS it is envisioned that you will find a  story about an LT&C- (marine) Example in every edition of the coming months. Look out and subscribe to the impressive marine conservation and travel magazine.

Great White Shark in the sea at Gansbaai, South Africa. Photo: Peter Prokosch