The December edition of the SEVENSEAS travel and marin conservation magazine features the LT&C-Example Tasmania (see pp 120-123). The example, authorised by the managing director of GRID-Arendal, Peter Harris, describes how the protection of Tasmania’s wilderness is supported by tourism:
“Tasmania as a State of Australia is a good example of linking tourism and conservation in several ways:- It has a history of significant, well-managed protected areas, raising the profile of the island and the benefits of nature-based tourism. There are a number of positive examples of tour operators supporting protected areas both financially and through their educational activities working alongside the relevant government agencies in this regard.

Tasmania is also a very good example of tourism supporting the management of protected areas through the collection and use of park entrance fees. The Parks and Wildlife Service collects these fees, as a percentage of their revenue, in a technically efficient manner and is transparent, through its website, in the direct use of such revenues for the ongoing management and conservation of protected areas.”
The SEVENSEAS December-edition is the 19th issue of the colourful and informative marine conservation and travel magazine. Magnificent photography and inspiring articles relevant to the mission of Linking Tourism & Conservation, make the SEVENSEAS magazine a must-read for LT&C members and like-minded marine conservationists and travellers. The magazine has been produced for readers in 174 countries. More than 12 000 have subscribed and 15 000 visitors per month have clicked through the colourful pages. The numbers are growing. The magazine is a project in partnership with, and sponsored by The Ocean Foundation.

The electronic editions of SEVENSEAS are for free, and LT&C recommends to subscribe to this impressive marine conservation and travel magazine. However, you can also support the production of this valuable magazine with your personal donation.