The Environmental Education Center Zapovedniks (“Zapovedniks Centre”), a Russian national NGO, works since 1996 as Educational, Methodical and Resource Center for Protected Areas in Russia. The relationship to the mission of LT&C they describe as follows:
The mission of Zapovedniks Center is improving the capacity and effectiveness of Protected Areas (PAs) in Russia, public awareness on PA and environmental education.
The main Programs of the Zapovedniks Center:
- Training Center for PA staff: trainings, seminars, internships in Russia and abroad for PA staff, eco-NGOs and business;
- Creation of environmental education programs for protected areas.
- Coordination of the Friends of protected islands – all-Russian children’s and youth movement;
- Social planning and catalyze civic initiatives in favour of Protected Areas including rural tourism on surrounding lands.
- Chipmunk International Volunteer Center. Volunteers camping for youth. The involvement of business companies in the voluntary actions for Protected Areas;
- Design of ecological trails and visitor centers for PA- from concept to detailed planning;
- Contribution to the formation of information space in the field of protected areas – a quarterly magazine “Protected island”, guidance materials, sites:
Tel/fax: +7(495) 6262857