The 20th issue of the SEVENSEAS travel and marin conservation magazine, published January 1, features the LT&C-Example Apo Island Marine Reserves, Philippines (see pp 56-59). The example, authorised by Rockhopper penguin Iris Carla de Jesus, describes the convincing case of a small marine protected area (MPA) with no fishing zones and its potential to serve as blue print for other MPAs in the biodiversity hotspot of the “Coral Triangle”.
Iris Carla de Jesus served LT&C last year as intern and has been involved in a number of our activities. She is presently in the Philippines to further study the Apo island example before finishing her master thesis on this topic.
Several other marine stories in the January SEVENSEAS are closely related to tropical waters: e.g. “Sea Turtle Conservation”, “Sustainable Diving Maldivian Style”, “Dolphins and Marine Protected Areas”; “MPA and Climate Change Report” or “Mangrove Restauration”, all illustrated with beautiful pictures.

The SEVENSEAS January-edition is the 20th issue of the colourful and informative marine conservation and travel magazine. Magnificent photography and inspiring articles relevant to the mission of Linking Tourism & Conservation, make the SEVENSEAS magazine a must-read for LT&C members and like-minded marine conservationists and travellers. The magazine has been produced for readers in 174 countries. More than 12 000 have subscribed and 15 000 visitors per month have clicked through the colourful pages. The numbers are growing. The magazine is a project in partnership with, and sponsored by The Ocean Foundation.
The electronic editions of SEVENSEAS are for free, and LT&C recommends to subscribe to this impressive marine conservation and travel magazine. However, you can also support the production of this valuable magazine with your personal donation.