New Flyer shows 23 LT&C-Examples

Join us and participate in LT&C-Examples!
is the message of our new flyer, which goes today to print. 23 quite different examples from all over the world, where tourism is supporting the establishment or development of protected areas, have been authorised and published by our members so far. More will be certainly detected and made visible in the future. Our main goal is to involve our members and partners in activities, projects and incentives that these examples will be learned from and that they will be replicated and multiplied. A complete and representative global network of protected areas as it is the target of the UN Convention on Biological Diversity should be reached by 2020, with support of and benefit for tourism. Everybody can play a role here.

You are welcome to study our website for more detail or contact us. The flyer can be downloaded and further distributed: LT&C flyer 2017

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