Why LT&C?

Masai Mara Reserve. Photo: Peter Prokosch

Humans and the rest of biodiversity are critically linked and interdependent. The need for the conservation of diversity of natural habitats and ecosystems on earth is supported by the United Nations through the development of a complete and well-managed network of protected areas by the year 2020 (CBD Aichi 2020 target 11). This goal is achievable with the support of tourism.

Make a donation

We are grateful that you support the work and mission of Vision 52. 

Donate through international bank transfer

Bank details:
Sparebanken Sør
Postboks 200
N-4662 Kristiansand

Name: Vision 52 AS
Account no.: 2801 37 85386
IBAN: NO82 2801 37 85386

Please mark payments with your name and/or email address