New LT&C-Board covers 4 continents

The Norwegian registered NGO Linking Tourism & Conservation (LT&C) with its 200 members (“penguins”) is active on all continents of the globe. Now also the Board-members are based in and acting from 4 different continents. At the recent Annual General Meeting (June 28) in Hrauneyjar, Iceland, two new Board members have been elected: the German sustainable tourism expert, based on the Seychelles, Diana Körner, and the Italian conservation expert, based in Thailand, Sergio Chiarandini. They complement the Board-members, which have been there from the start of LT&C in 2014: Tourism and wildlife management expert Denise Landau, based in the US and UK, economist Ottar Nakken, based in Norway, and German conservation expert Peter Prokosch, based in Norway. Find out more about this international team.

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