LT&C-Study Tours combine unique wildlife experience with conservation

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Linking Tourism & Conservation seeks to identify and share tools and incentives that encourage replication of best practices in sustainable tourism: those that support the establishment or management of national parks and other types of protected areas. We profile such LT&C-Examples in order to celebrate them and make them visible to those who are interested in understanding how this can be done. To get a first-hand experience of how tourism can support protected areas you may join a LT&C-Study Tour, such as last years’ tour to Svalbard (see video). To be always updated on LT&C-Study Tours and events look at the LT&C-calendar.

2 young male polar bears on the sea ice North of Svalbard. Photo: Peter Prokosch
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King penguins on South Georgia. Photo: Oceanwide Expeditions

LT&C-Study Tours are only performed in cooperation with tour operators, who share the mission of LT&C and belong to our global members (penguins). And tours are only offered to destinations, which are ranking as LT&C-Examples or where LT&C-projects or initiatives are taking place, which should lead to an LT&C-Example.

Next LT&C-Study Tours to Polar regions are heading to:

  1. South Georgia plus Central Atlantic Islands (“Atlantic Odyssee”) in March 26 -April 22, 2016
  2. West-Coast of Greenland (May 10-17, 2016)
  3. Svalbard (Cleaning the Shores of Spitsbergen; June 29 – July 8, 2016)
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Bowhead whales. Photo: Phil Wickens/Ocenawide Expeditions
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Cleaning the shores of Spitsbergen. Photo: Peter Prokosch








LT&C Study Tour to 4 East African Countries:

This Study Tour through 4 East African countries can be offered to a small group of specifically interested LT&C members only. It combines the participation at the Africa Forum by our partner Blue Solutions, and other LT&C related workshops. You will study LT&C Examples or cases, which could develop into good examples. At the same time, you will get an opportunity to experience unique African wildlife and nature.
It will be performed in cooperation with LT&C members and partners. Participation is possible in the entire tour, or even just parts of it. You can view the present overview about the programme at: East Africa Study Tour Plan 15.2. In our calendar, you can see separate
plans for the following:

  1. the study-tour to Basecamp Masai Mara, Kenya (May 25-27, 2016)
  2. the visit and workshop to the Saadani national park in Tanzania (May 29-30, 2016)
  3. participation at the Blue Solution Africa Forum on Zanzibar, Tanzania (May 31 – June 3, 2016)
  4. the study-tour to LT&C-Example Cumbe Island, Tanzania (June 4-5, 2016)
  5. the visit and workshop to the Virunga national park, DRC (June 7-9, 2016)
  6. visiting the Pamoja project of our member Amahoro Tours in Rwanda (June 9-10, 2016)
Girafes in Masai Mara. Photo: Peter Prokosch
Mountain gorillas. Photo: Yannick Beaudoin
Crab plovers. Photo: Peter Prokosch

The costs for participating at 2. and 3. are covered for 5-6 LT&C members by our partners. We have special offers for members who will participate at the other events. As space for most segments of the East-Africa tour is limited and LT&C is not a tour operator itself, it would be an advantage to get in contact with us as soon as possible. We would then bring you in contact with our partners, who are performing the specific events. In particular, we would like to have our members, those who want to actively participate and contribute their experiences of linking tourism and conservation, as a part of our LT&C delegation in the workshops.

If you are interested



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