Estonia’s most famous National Park and LT&C-Example, Soomaa, under logging attack
After just having celebrated World Wetlands Day in Soomaa National Park, sad news from Estonia went around the globe: locals noticed signs of large-scale forest
After just having celebrated World Wetlands Day in Soomaa National Park, sad news from Estonia went around the globe: locals noticed signs of large-scale forest
Planeta.com (https://www.planeta.com; https://twitter.com/planetanews) spotlights local conservation and tourism connections around the globe. Developed by Ron Mader in 1994 as a reporter’s notebook, Planeta.com pioneers online coverage of conscious living and travel around
Die Welt wird derzeit von drei großen Krisen konfrontiert – dem Verlust der biologischen Vielfalt, dem Klimawandel und der Pandemie. Es ist deutlich geworden, wie
Am 21. Januar 2021, im Rahmen der LT&C-Webinar-Reihe: Wie man Post-COVID Tourismus- und Nachhaltigkeits-Strategien für LT&C-Champions entwickelt, konzentrieren wir uns dieses Mal auf Afrika. In
In Afrika sind die Einnahmen aus dem Tourismus in den Parks seit langem Teil von Win-Win-Partnerschaften zwischen dem Schutz der biologischen Vielfalt und der Wirtschaft
On January 21, 2021,, within LT&C-Webinar Series: How to design post-COVID tourism and conservation strategies for LT&C Champions, we this time focus on Africa. After
The world is currently facing three major crises – loss of biodiversity, climate change and the pandemic. It has become clear how interrelated they are,
In den letzten zwei Jahren hat LT&C in seinem Büro in Arendal zwei Praktikantinnen untergebracht. Im Jahr 2019 kam Nina Breck, die bereits ein Tourismusstudium
In the last two years, LT&C hosted in its office in Arendal two interns. In 2019 Nina Breck, who had already finished studying tourism, came
IUCN’s Tourism and Protected Areas Specialists (TAPAS) Group recently conducted a webinar series for the VITAL SITES: Journey to Marseille, to address ecological, social and the economic
On December 21, 2020, the Government of Côte d’Ivoire (Ivory Coast) announced its first Marine Protected Area (MPA) in Grand-Béréby. The 2,600km2 MPA location includes
December 21, 2020: The Government of Côte d’Ivoire (Ivory Coast) announced its first Marine Protected Area (MPA) in Grand-Béréby. Under Professor Joseph Séka SEKA’s chairmanship,
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VISION 52 – The Nature Conservation Company of Peter Prokosch.
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