Annual Report 2019: Eight new and inspiring LT&C-Examples offered for replication
2019 was not only the year, where global awareness about the climate crisis has grown significantly. The urgency to protect the world’s biodiversity became equally
2019 was not only the year, where global awareness about the climate crisis has grown significantly. The urgency to protect the world’s biodiversity became equally
The Tree Top Walks of the Erlebnis Akademie AG are not only fabulous LT&C-Examples, where national parks are supported by education centres, they are also a case
The example illustrates the importance of CBD Guidelines on Biodiversity and Tourism Development in general and hopefully will be used as pilot project at regional,
The Greater Yellowstone region is the largest intact ecosystem in the continental United States and at the southern end of a corridor of wild lands
After being hosted the last 5 years by Arendal municipality in its Kunnskapshavn, LT&C this month moved its office in Arendal to the “Sustainability House”
This year, LT&C is combining its AGM with a hands-on conference and a series of workshops in Slovakia, where we have partnered up with the
2020 is a key year in the protection of our planet’s natural places and as such you most probably heard of the 11th World Wilderness Congress
2020 will be a pivotal year for the global biodiversity. In this context, we are preparing a “Future-Workshop” (March 1-2, 2020, on the islands of
As we reported in summer last year, in September 2019, aspiring videographer, cyclist and member of LT&C, George Podaras took on an exciting journey across
2020 will be a pivotal year for the global biodiversity. The nations and organizations of the world will have to evaluate how far the goal
“Do not see sustainability as a trick or marketing tool but as an integral part of the business philosophy” is one of many important findings
This year was the 30th anniversary of the first biological expedition to Taimyr performed by representatives of the Academy of Science in Moscow and WWF-Germany.
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VISION 52 – The Nature Conservation Company of Peter Prokosch.
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