Kampagne zur Rettung des Wildnisgebiets Boundary Waters Canoe Area in Minnesota
Die Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness (BWCAW) im Norden Minnesotas ist mit über 250.000 Besuchern pro Jahr die beliebteste Wildnis Amerikas. Auf den 1,1 Millionen
Die Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness (BWCAW) im Norden Minnesotas ist mit über 250.000 Besuchern pro Jahr die beliebteste Wildnis Amerikas. Auf den 1,1 Millionen
The November edition of the SEVENSEAS travel and marin conservation magazine came out just after the news about achieving the world’s largest marine protected area (MPA), the
With the support of 25 countries – including an initially reluctant Russia – it was decided this week at the meeting of the Commission for the
The Royal Society for the Conservation of Nature is an independent non-governmental organization in Jordan given the mandate of conserving biodiversity in Jordan. RSCN does
Die Royal Society for the Conservation of Nature (RSCN) ist eine unabhängige Nichtregierungsorganisation in Jordanien, die den Auftrag hat, die biologische Vielfalt in Jordanien zu
What is CCAMLR and how can you help them protect the Antarctica’s waters? A short answer you get from the VIDEO of the Antarctic Oceans
Upcoming general elections in Iceland (October 29) have revealed a growing support for a highland national park among Icelandic political parties. The nation´s public TV station
In den plenary session “Preparing for Arctic Tourism Growth” of the recent Arctic Circle conference in Reykjavik/Iceland the guidelines for Arctic tourism WWF developed in
The October edition of the SEVENSEAS travel and marin conservation magazine is out, as usual in the first days of the month. LT&C can only
The Ramsar Convention is a multilateral environmental agreement (MEA) adopted in 1971 to provide the framework for national action and international cooperation for the conservation
On the occasion of World Tourism Day (September 27) the Secretariat of the Ramsar Convention together with LT&C featured the International Wadden Sea as a
Initiatives to protect the internationally important but highly threatened tidal flats of the Yellow Sea of China and Korea came among other from the LT&C-Example
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