Global Biodiversity Outlook 4
UN report calls for bold and accellerated global action to meet biodiversity targets by 2020. Bold and innovative action is urgently required if governments are
UN report calls for bold and accellerated global action to meet biodiversity targets by 2020. Bold and innovative action is urgently required if governments are
Humans and the rest of biodiversity are critically linked and interdependent. The need for the conservation of diversity of natural habitats and ecosystems on earth
Svalbard is the cradle of LT&C. The following description is the story of an impressive example that highlights how cooperation between tourism and conservation resulted
For the last two centuries seabird colonies on the Sub-Antarctic islands of South Georgia were nearly decimated by non-native rats and mice. Whalers and Sealers beginning
The Biodiversity chapter of the UNWTO- and European Commission Guidebook “Sustainable Tourism for Development” is an important guide for future LT&C projects: Tourism is a major activity
Aichi 2020 Target No 11 of the CBD is one important frame LT&C aims to contribute to: “By 2020, at least 17 per cent of
Linking Tourism & Conservation (LT&C) was established February 2014 as a globally operating NGO in Norway. LT&C made itself public March 10, 2014, in Madrid at the German-Spanish
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