Ten Years of Education at the Hermanus Whale Festival

The eco tent at the Hermanus Whale Festival was a real winner this year with many interested visitors. Our LT&C-Example member, the Dyer Island Conservation Trust/ Marine Dynamics Team was there, for their tenth year, and had excellent engagement with children and adults alike.

 “The displays encourage children to understand our marine species and how scientists study them. As such, we had some shark fin matches, as well as matching of whale callosities. Our team of marine biologists was on hand to answer everyone’s questions. We hosted talks on sharks, penguins, marine pollution and solutions, and entertained with a fun penguin dance,” said Trust educator Pinkey Ngewu. “Many ‘surfed’ our wave of change made from recycled plastic bottles and sponsored by our corporate donor Volkswagen SA. The images of plastic in our ocean are a wake-up call to all of us and our projects such as the fishing line bin and the storm drain nets go a long way to mitigate injuries and possible death of our marine wildlife. Well done to the festival organisers. There were many families there enjoying the vibe of the festival and looking out for the southern right whales, who enjoy the sheltered bays at this time of the year, for mating and calving.”

Blue, one of eight Gansbaai penguins was there. Visit Blue at the Great White House and find all other seven penguins in Gansbaai and you could win a trip with Dyer Island Cruises. https://xplorio.com/gansbaai/gansbaai-penguin-campaign/

Early counts indicate the festival was visited by approximately 100 000 people. Save the dates for next year 24-27 September 2020!

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