Toolkit for tourism project managers to progress the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

The UNWTO, in partnership with the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), has published this month a toolkit to measure, assess, and align the impact of tourism projects on the SDGs.

The resource, Achieving the Sustainable Development Goal through Tourism – Toolkit of Indicators for Projects (TIPs), includes guidance and adaptable indicators that link tourism to the 17 SDGs and their associated targets.

It supports the integration of sustainable tourism practices into policies, financing frameworks, and business operations and the measurement and monitoring of the impact of tourism projects.

The toolkit is in two parts. Part I explains why project-based indicators are needed, how to use indicators in a project cycle, and how project managers can track progress on the SDGs.

Part II outlines the 17 SDGs and how they link to tourism, the selected targets, and potential indicators that can be adapted and used for individual projects.

“The set of indicators also serve as a powerful tool to highlight the value of tourism in creating better places for people to live and visit, enabling transformative and collective actions that accelerate sustainable development across countries.”
Zoritsa Urosevic, Executive Director, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)

A shared roadmap to 2030

“When properly managed, tourism has been widely acknowledged as a crucial driver in achieving the SDGs, particularly due to its role in promoting inclusive growth, environmental protection, and the development of peaceful and resilient societies.”
Executive Summary, TIPs

By understanding the different SDGs’ targets and tourism’s role in helping achieve them, the toolkit aims to increase awareness of the SDGs and the use of indicators in tourism projects to strengthen sustainable tourism in public policy, financing, and business operations.

This will increase the impact of tourism on achieving the 2030 Agenda, the UN’s action plan that puts sustainable development goals at the center of environmental, economic, and social development.

Download the toolkit here.

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